Senin, 17 November 2014

Stay Away From iOS 8.1.1 For This Reason

Stay Away From iOS 8.1.1 For This Reason - It’s also good-looking, and while not ultra-portable is not that heavy given the components inside. It makes the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar seem a bit frivolous in comparison, not to mention extremely expensive Instead it's a company, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Stay Away From iOS 8.1.1 For This Reason, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Apple have released an update to the iOS 8.1 firmware for all iOS 8 capable devices. The latest iOS 8.1.1 firmware according to Apple fixes bugs and makes older devices more snappier during use.

This of course is a great thing, however, for those willing to keep their jailbreak, there is a drawback when this update is applied as pointed out by seasoned hacker +MuscleNerd

+MuscleNerd  earlier today made a tweet warning jailbreakers to stay away from the new iOS 8.1.1 update if they intend to have a jailbroken Apple Device. From the tweet below, the message is clear and concise.

If you are on iOS 8.1 and haven't upgraded to iOS 8.1.1, you can jailbreak your device using the Pangu jailbreak tool in shown in one of our /2014/11/how-to-jailbreak-your-apple-device-on.html">"How To" guides here.

Therefore, if you still to hold on to your jailbroken iPhone, you are advised to stay away from iOS 8.1.1 update. However, if you don't care for a jailbroken iPhone you can go ahead to upgrade your iPhone to the latest iOS 8.1.1 update.

It is usually advised that you upgrade via iTunes instead of OTA updates - something we've too often.

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