Selasa, 11 November 2014

What is BlueTicks in Whatspp and How to Bypass from this Update

What is BlueTicks in Whatspp and How to Bypass from this Update - It’s also good-looking, and while not ultra-portable is not that heavy given the components inside. It makes the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar seem a bit frivolous in comparison, not to mention extremely expensive Instead it's a company, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about What is BlueTicks in Whatspp and How to Bypass from this Update, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Whatspp is fast growing Social Messaging app. Now this android app receive some major updates in recent days. With this update when you send message to the other whatsapp user. If other read your message you got Blueticks in message that means your message is read by Other Whatspp user.
whatsapp blue ticks

I know this trick is important but some people on Whatsapp don't like this feature. So how you bypass blueticks on Whatsapp. Here I Post all procedure , If you follow my post you also bypass blueticks on Whatsapp. This new update is working when you connect with Internet, If you disconnect your Internet Blueticks no more.

Instruction for Bypass Blueticks Feature on Whatsapp

1. When you friend sent you message on Whatsapp ,you get notification.
2. Don't open whatspp notification right now.
3. Go to settings and on Airplane Mode
4. Now open your whatspp android app and read conversation.
5. When you read all messages get out from whatsapp and off Airplane Mode.

With this above trick you can easily bypass Whatsapp Blueticks. Your friend will never know  and you read conversation. So try this trick and fun with Whatsapp.
For More Whatsapp Trick Follow our Whatspp Section.

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