Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Turkish Airline flight accident at Kathmandu Airport leaves thousand stranded.

Turkish Airline flight accident at Kathmandu Airport leaves thousand stranded. - It’s also good-looking, and while not ultra-portable is not that heavy given the components inside. It makes the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar seem a bit frivolous in comparison, not to mention extremely expensive Instead it's a company, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Turkish Airline flight accident at Kathmandu Airport leaves thousand stranded., on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

March 04, 2015: Turkish Airlines plane flying from Istanbul had a big accident at TIA (Tribhuvan International Airport) runway this morning. The plane skidded and went off the runway, towards the grass field and stopped, after the collapse of front landing gear. There were no many major damage to the 224 people aboard, but the nose of the plane jolted in the ground and side gear exploded, making it difficult to take out. The accident could have hit the building or the oil tank nearby, resulting at a disaster, Thanks to the cleverness of pilot or good luck that saved from a big loss. The flight is still at the runway as TIA do not have some special equipment to take it out due to which officials are forced to close the airport for indefinite period until they could take it out. At first there was crowd at the terminal, expecting the airport to resume soon but now it is known there is no such crowd as officials have issued a press statement for the closure till 4 pm tomorrow. Thousands of people are also known to be stranded at several foreign airports.
Dikesh Malhotra, President of IMS (official Distributor of Samsung Mobiles in Nepal) was one of the people aboard in the plane. He and his father were returning back to Kathmandu from Barcelona, after attending the http://iffaheyy.blogspot.com /2015/03/samsung-unveils-galaxy-s6-and-s6-edge.html" style="background-color: lime;">Samsung Galaxy S6 launch at Mobile world congress, when they survived a plane crash. He happens to share the pictures and video (that went viral in social media and even online portal posting the same photos) of the incident after getting off the plane.
Kantipur TV reports that TIA officials have already asked for support from foreign countries and they also said that a separate equipment from Mumbai will land here tomorrow morning to use it for taking the plane out from the runway. As it is known that it will take 4 to 5 hours for the removal of the plane (after taking the fuel out), it seems the only international Airport will be closed for at least tomorrow. Lets hope the officials use every means to open the airport as soon as possible. A probe will tell the reason behind the accident later, but TIA management should be prepared for every worst/emergency condition that may occur, with necessary tools and equipment in hand.

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